Contact Improvisation meets The Axis Syllabus©

Jun 1-6 / 2024

Contact Improvisation meets The Axis Syllabus©

01.-06. June 2024

6 day immersion into contact improvisation and axis syllabus with camping and live music jams in the scenery of a spacious garden nearby the Baltic sea

In our search for extraordinary inspiration and uplifting insights into the kinetic possibilities of the human body we will meet and camp in the scenery of a lush green garden in northern Germany and immerse ourselves in 6 days of contact Improvisation and axis syllabus with several experienced dance teachers, musicians and not more than 30 dancers.

Our program will be a refined blend of inspiring workshops, replenishing bodywork, live music jams and lots of time to relax, connect and dance in a protected and supportive environment.

We have 2 dancefloors (covered studio & open air), a huge shady meadow for tents and camper vans and will be served with full board delicious food everyday.

A team of five dedicated movement enthusiasts and three musicians accompanies us on the journey and opens up spaces for collective research on compositional ideas, precise and joyful movement studies, healing bodywork and lots of dance….


Besides our main focus on contact improvisation, in which we will indulge seriously in various workshops, labs and jams we will also take a closer look into the biomechanics of movement through the lense of The Axis Syllabus©.

Sadhana Fichtner will support us on this journey with three consecutive dance classes, taught from the perspective of The Axis Syllabus. 

Entry point for our exploration will be our relationship with gravity and the floor.

We will play with these two lifelong friends, engaging with their touch, responding to their push and pull and listening to their direct and valuable feedback as we organize our bodies through space and time. In practice we will alternating between sensitive exploration, dynamic dance motifs and phrases and theoretical insights to deepen our embodied understanding of movement and to improve skill, resilience and facilitate efficient and healthy movement in our individual dance practice. 

Informed by such healthy and supportive movement strategies we will stay tuned within ourselves while gradually expanding our awareness into the space, the encounter with other bodies and the space in between. We delve into the intricacies of skin communication, work with the influence of individual intentions, create appealing scores for weight-shared dances in duets and trios and seek bold surprises as well as tender and deeply nourishing dances and bodywork explorations. Spirals, body tone modulation, momentum and the physics of flight and pouring weight will be part of our investigations. The contact improvisation classes will be led by Christoph Arndt, Corinna Stache, Šárka Benedová and Maria Elste.

One afternoon will be off to give you the chance to enjoy the nearby beaches at the Baltic sea.

Participants should be familiar with the fundamentals of Contact Improvisation or similar movement practices, which will be the foundation of our artistic work flow. If you have any doubts, please feel free to contact me at [email protected]


 | Saturday |

| 14:00 | Arrival | 

| 16:00 | Welcome circle and embodied landing in the space | 

| 18:00 | Dinner | 
| 20:30 | JAM | 

| Sunday | Monday | Tuesday | Wednesday | 

| 08:30 | Breakfast | 

| 10:00 | Workshop | 

| 13:00 | Lunch | 

| 15:30 | Workshop | Tuesday=Beach | 

| 18:30 | Dinner |
| 20:30 | JAM |
 | Thursday | 

| 8:30 | Breakfast | 

| 10:00 | Jam and closing ceremony | 
| 13:30 | Lunch | 

| Good bye until 18:00 | 

We dance on a 140m² open-air dance floor surrounded by a lush blooming garden and in an 84m² studio.

The cost of €380-480 (self-assessment) for the whole 6 days includes: 
• Workshops, labs and jams with live music 
• full board delicious vegan/ vegetarian food (3 meals a day), 
• Camping (with your own tent, mattress and sleeping bag), 
• Parking for camper van 
We camp! Please bring the following with you: 
• a tent 
• a camping mattress 
• a (warm) sleeping bag 
• a headlamp 
• a towels 
• natural, biodegradable soap

At the campsite there is a kitchen, two garden showers, several water sources and two dry compost toilets. We have a great cook on board who serves us with culinary delights.

To keep the price down, everyone helps with choping fruit and vegetables and cleaning the dishes for about 45 minutes twice a week.
Arrival is on Saturday between 2pm and 4pm. Departure will be on Thursday until 6pm.

Schlauentrift 22
23923 Schönberg(Meckl)
Northern Germany 

For any further request please mail to [email protected]
We are looking forward to dance with you!!!